I don’t think I’ll ever tire of the scent of cardamom filling the house when baking boller. These plump Norwegian buns with the slightest touch of sweetness need nothing–aside from perhaps a smear of butter—to make them a treat any time of the year. But during Shrovetide or Fastelavn, the time leading up to Lent, these fluffy buns get stuffed with rich almond filling and clouds of whipped cream, transforming them into the over-the-top delicacies known as Fastelavnsboller in Norway and Semlor in Sweden. I’m sharing my Fastelavnsboller recipe over at The Norwegian American this week–find the recipe here!
Find this and even more sweet and savory treats in my cookbook Modern Scandinavian Baking!

Oh my goodness Daytona, I am SO drooling. Will give it a whirl.